SASS stands for syntactically awesome style sheets. It is a preprocessor that compiles into css. This allows a person to use features such as variables, nesting, mixins, inheritence and other advanced coolness that isn't in css. Pretty much sass makes writing css fun.

Compass is a sass library that extends the functionality of sass.

I recommend using google chrome, firefox, or any IE 11 or above.

Git is going to be needed to follow along the workshop.

If you don’t have git please go to and follow the directions for your operating system.

For Linux and OS X folks, depending on your setup, you may or may not need to install gems under the sudo user. For example, if you are using RVM, you won't need to install your gems under the sudo user.

For Sass/Compas to run on your computer ruby is also needed. Installing compass will also install Sass.


  1. Open up terminal.
  2. $ gem install compass


Make sure to get Ruby 1.9.3-p545 version and make sure to check add ruby executibles on install.

  1. Install the ruby installer.
  2. Open up command prompt.
  3. $ gem install compass


  1. Open terminal
  2. Enter
    $ irb
    If you get an error move on to next step, if not enter
    $ exit
    and go to step 4
  3. Install ruby so you can install compass/sass
    $ sudo apt-get install ruby
    $ sudo yum install ruby
    or any other package manager you may have. After installation move on to the next step.
  4. Enter
    $ sudo gem install compass