File Structure & BEM - Block, Element, Modifier
BEM and SMACCS sets design components as pieces, at the same time giving sass a more architectual presence while keeping code maintainable and structured.
|-- components # Each user interface w/ partial
| |-- _talk-block.scss
|-- config
| |-- _breakpoints.scss
| |-- _colors.scss
| |-- _grids.scss
| |-- _mixins.scss
|-- global # site wide partials MAIN content area
| |-- _extendables.scss
| |-- _forms.scss
| |-- _typography.scsss
|-- layout # box model properties
| |-- _l-header.scss
| |-- _l-masthead.scss
|-- vendor # This is for third-pary libraries/module css
| |-- _lightbox.scss
`--- screen.scss
.tabs {} /* Block = Componetn) */
.tabs__field {} /* Element */
.tabs--full {} /* Modifier */
.person {}
.person__hand {}
.person--female {}
.person--female__hand {}
.person__hand--left {}
.inside-ucsf {
color: $white;
@extend %block--border;
.inside-ucsf__button {
background: $grey;
@include box-shadow(#000 0 1px 2px, #fff 0 1px inset);
.inside-ucsf-special {
@extend .inside-ucsf;
background-color: pink;
@extend .inside-ucsf__button;
|-- modules/ # Common modules
| |-- _all.scss # Include to get all modules
| |-- _utility.scss # Module name
| |-- _colors.scss # Etc...
| ...
|-- partials/ # Partials
| |-- _base.sass # imports for all mixins + global project variables
| |-- _buttons.scss # buttons
| |-- _figures.scss # figures
| |-- _grids.scss # grids
| |-- _typography.scss # typography
| |-- _reset.scss # reset
| ...
|-- vendor/ # CSS or Sass from other projects
| |-- _colorpicker.scss
| |-- _jquery.ui.core.scss
| ...
`-- main.scss # primary Sass file
I’ve included a boilerplate at UCSF Drupal’s Github. Find a place in your file system to store this repository. Install the files by:
git clone
If that doesn’t work for you try:
git clone
Next switch to the “structure” branch
git checkout structure